For the longest time, I have wanted to try composting. I’d heard a lot about it but wasn’t very clear on the details. It wasn’t until I bid on a double-barrel crank composter and won it, that I started to take it seriously. I figured the best way to learn is to jump right in, mistakes and all!
So, here goes my journey, trying to figure out the ins and outs of this. I will continue to update everyone on my progress and invite our amazing community to offer advice along the way. If you are more veteran at this, I am open to learning from your experiences. I also encourage those of you that have never tried this to take the plunge with me!
It already feels so good to know that the food and paper waste I create isn’t going into the landfill. It is like running a science experiment, checking the material breakdown daily! I feel like a kid again! I can’t wait for all that I’m doing to turn into soil gold!
As a bonus, we will be giving away a slightly used composter (Hey, what do you expect?! Green Hope Project is all about recycling!) to one lucky individual that reposts any of our social media messages about supporting us during Giving Day OR who signs up for our newsletter ( We will have a drawing at the end of next week for everyone that qualifies and announce the winner via social media.
Visit us at to make a donation for Giving Day, so we can continue to do all the great art, education, and environmental initiatives we’d like to do in this great region! Any donations given specifically on October 15th will be matched by Walmart!
Thank you for joining me on this adventure.
P.S. I found this infographic helpful.
